EuroMix – EDCMixRisk – meeting to encourage synergistic collaboration

On the 17 February 2016, a meeting was held at RIVM in Bilthoven, the Netherlands, to discuss the synergy between EuroMix and EDCMixRisk. The WP leaders of EDCMixRisk and the experts involved in endocrine testing within EuroMix met to exchange project details and opportunities for cooperation or fine-tuning of research activities.
The aim of the meeting was to inform each other about the ongoing activities, and to define potential synergy in the planned experimental work, the Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) developments and the scientific policy for future mixtures risk assessment and management.
EDCMixRisk is an EU funded project, coordinated by Ake Bergman, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. The project is also about chemical mixtures but their focus is on endocrine disruption, including experimental research and epidemiology finding. Link to project website EDCMixRisk
The meeting was very fruitful and a number of good ideas for closer cooperation were discussed and some of the issues suggested for future exchange of information and synergistic collaboration were:
1. Work on a joint AOP for some of the endpoints that are tested within both projects
2. Exchange the chemicals that are in the mixtures, and if feasible to test each other’s mixtures in some of the tests or on some key-events
3. Liaise about training events, web seminars, stakeholder workshops and other relevant actions